General and specific questions regarding the relations between work, education and politics. Work realities, education and human emancipation. Commodification of Education. Pandemics context and the political-educational challenges and struggles in capitalist sociability.
Popular Education Activism. Land Education and Agroecology. Knowledge and insurgent praxis in social movements. Land, water, forest and urban people and its traditions. Social movements and schools political occupations.
Theory and method in Freire and Vygotsky. Concept and categories in Freire’s and Vygotsky’s frameworks. Human Formation. Human Development and school education.
Human development and education dimension. Freire and Vygotsky theoretical and methodological contributions. Etics, politics and art in different stages and types.
Didatics. Teaching practices. Teaching methodologies. Literacy. Educational processes, teaching and learning at different levels and stages. Teach and learn in public schools. Curriculum and emancipation. Challenges of emancipatory education in a pandemic context.
Initial and permanent formation. Objective and subjective work conditions. Teacher’s work enhancement. Intensification and new perspectives about teacher’s work. Mental health and medicalization of teachers.
Inclusive education. Social justice policies. Racial-Ethnical, Afro-brazilian, African and Indigenous Education. Identity. Activism and Cultural movements. Gender, Sexuality and Education.
Freire and Vygotsky beyond their homelands. The research about Freire and Vygotsky in different countries. Translation, circulation and publication issues.
Digital Technology of Communication. Digital Technology and curriculum. Challenges between remote and school classrooms. Remote education. Homeschooling, hybrid teaching and its (possible) dangers. Technology and school commodification.